June 1, 2022

(Click to enlarge)
If the 2022 Winter Olympic Games go to  Kazakhstan, we are offering our new larger modular spaces to individual country teams. After the games, the host country will unbolt and disassemble the houses and containerize the components. At no cost to their owners, sold houses are shipped to the team’s country and others are auctioned. These panelized houses are then erected under the guidance of a local Hi-Tect paid technician  . It is Hi-Tect's way to quickly spread the word about the life-saving solutions we offer for world areas exposed to natural disasters.

We are a non-profit building an international team to promote our tested solutions, stimulating designers and local building industry to pick-up and learn our methods and processes. These affordable yet super-comfortable athlete residences are designed with near complete autonomy: community solar tech, underfloor energy storing, state-of-the-art incinerating toilets, smart windows, embedded sprinkler, wi-fi, cable and vacuum networks etc.., (see the details here in Jan 2015) Importing one of these futuristic buildings to any country will start countless careers and businesses..! (click pictures to enlarge)


Jacques POIRIER said...

The Hi-Tect non-profit corp had to be dissolved before obtaining it 501C3 taxx status. The IRS would not accept 2 key directors who werre foreigh to this cuntrry. Hi-Tect was self-financed and never recieves a nikel from anyone!


Jacques POIRIER said...

Also to be added: Kazakhstan never got the Winter Games as they were given to China. We transferred to the Chinese
Olympic committee but it was too late; at any rate, they chose to house the athletes in Beijing since they had the fast trains to ferry them long distance very fast each day.