March 13, 2007

Water World Sketches Circa 1984

Eventually I was beaten to the punch by an Italian firm with a more money and a better propulsion idea, this 'instant floating bike' had an interesting R&D life where the prototype sank with me in a suburban pool while I was wearing a snowmobile suit (it was March and the ice was just freshly broken in our excitement to test. The reason why we did not see bubbles before the fatal pontoon leak was that the bubbles traveled up the steel tube to be releaseed under the bicycle seat). These sketches did remind me the the concept called 'gymcat' has never been really tested and involves a remarquable propulsion system, one that keeps the driver facing forward, promising an extremely quiet cruise and the capacity to cut through meaner surf. Maybe I'll go ahead and finish this concept as there is not a whole lot of time and money involved for a simple proof-of-concept prototype. I'll call it the 'Mangoboat'

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