July 26, 2007


Never to busy to blawg a bit. Right? Nikki is having a second life*, I'm starting my fist book, the dogs take their walks and their flea protection, we have a martini every day at 5PM, we saw a good French movie last night ("The heart skips a beat"). Camille finished her novel and Nikki is mailing copies of her second novel to her friends here and there, mostly there. It's getting hot here and I will kayak tomorrow morning. Working with solar house concepts, tinkering, thinking and eating ( yeah! 186.6 from 180 last winter!). Also A LOT of piano, moviemaking on the PC, more walks with the dogs, a new invention here and there, music downloads and soon, uploads. Life is good, with side trips to California, indulging at Barnes & Noble while Nikki shops at her precious Hospice second-hand store, 99c store, Vons etc...A few days a month at Camille and Paul's house in Carslbad, talking literature and drinking, eating chili, pizza, etc...Some outings, like Red Lobters, Torito's, an occasional movie and frequent trips to doggie park with Lulu (JackDaniel), Belle (Yorkie), Chase and Max (Labs), Sheila (American Eskino), Amelie (Pomeranian), Sesame (pomeranian) and....me(Canadian).

*Nikki will post something here one day to explain what exactly is a second life


Camille C. said...

My sister did complain about your brutal response to her excruciating Charlie Horse cramps. You have vindicated yourself somewhat with this piece. Smoking. My dear friend and brother-in-law, you are right, we are wrong. We know it! But, get a life, show some courage, QUIT SMOKING ALL BY YOUR LONESOME.

Love you as always.

Jacques POIRIER said...

Well, I must say that a week and a half later your comments have been well headed as I am now smoke-free and endowed with a lower sacroiliac pain where ALEVE is at work as we speak, THANKS TO YOU.
It'S lovely to be ailing in your company, or that of Nikki. Wish I was sick more often. Anyway, that will come..for sure!