August 27, 2007

The deal with the she-devil

On 8/27/07, Marc Paradis wrote:

Where do you find the time to write, read and watch all those things you do ?
Do you have a deal with the devil ?

HAHAHAHAHA...yes Marc!

Actually I dont find the time since Nik and I are working on building an eCommerce web site to sell embroideries made from photos using a digital loom. Lot of work, illustrations, code, testing etc...
I have a super-entrepreneurial partner who is 2 years older than me and is twice as productive. I cant keep up with her...she NEVER stops, like the ENERGIZER bunny. She makes me feel very lazy.
By the way I just invented something in an encounter I had with Bill Gates in a dream. We were talking about search engines and the fact that a user needs to TYPE words once in a while to find stuff in a database, a slowing process for most people. He looked at me and asked "Do you play cards?" I said "Sometimes". So he then put 2 new packs of card in my left shirt pocket and one pack of cards in my right shirt pocket. Then he says, cryptically:"Teco is going to submit a solution to that precise database access problem next week; come to the meeting and bring your own solutions",. With this he puts one million dollars in the form of forty 25,000$ bills (!) in my right shirt pocket, the one with only one pack of cards". At that point I woke up, made coffe, and went to my computer to find out that my idea is really workable, a means to sift through keywords without typing anything or even clicking.
  • Then I realized that an immediate application would be the very popular YouTube's own GUI. Then I realized that I have top management connection at YouTube.
  • Then I realized that Google owns YouTube and Google is an ennemy for Microsoft and Bill Gates.
  • Then I heard Nikki say:"Let's get to work on the web site, it's going on 7AM..."

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