September 1, 2007

The Brains of a Two-Year Old.

This PBS report on Iraq was too gruesome for this family-oriented blog, so I substituted other pictures that also reflect very "young brains'. The courageous sergeant is actually referring to the brains of...oh well! I'll leave you the pleasure. It's a short video that won't prevent us from having HAPPY LABOR DAY WEEKEND, right? Hmm!


Camille C. said...

Heartbreaking, especially as it is accompanied by delightful pics of children and animals here at home. War is brutal, imaginably so, but this brings us up close and it hurts.

Anonymous said...

If I understand correctly, the pissed-off Vassal (Vassel?) is the one who just shot the taxi driver. I feel for the guy as he will spend the rest of his life with guilt and anger. His voice betrays him.

Marie said...

We have put our soldiers, often young men, on uncertain ground and forced them to make life-or-death decisions without benefit of leadership training or combat experience.

To the U.S. government, for all of its posturing about supporting the troops, these people are expendable. Their injuries and destruction are unfortunate means to a greedy end.

Prepare for the upcoming marketing campaign justifying war with Iran. The Bush administration will lay the groundwork this coming week with the official kickoff party on 9/11. The invasion will happen within the next few months.

If he survives, the poor guy in the video will be in the Middle East indefinitely. And I will be languishing in a civilian internment camp, labeled a "belligerent" for speaking out against the dictator.

Jacques POIRIER said...

Marie, please. We have a couch for you in Mexico, one that can be converted into a double bed.
We built an addition to our house for people like you! Click to inspect

Anonymous said...

Le visuel emporte sur l'auditif,de la le dicton "une image vaut milles mots" fait plein de sens
ha,il faut le refaire 2 autres fois? ca me tente pas toute suite.jaime mieux garder les belles images aujourdhui,mais plus tard je le ferai.merci pour ces trucs kool.

Jacques POIRIER said...

It'S OK Josée, the weak response to that video suggests that people don't like bad news. So the SocioStudy is aborted with the resolution to post happier stuff the next time around :-)

Anonymous said...

Always refreshing to see BillyBobJoe57 on YouTube. He has almost 180 posts all of that nature. One of my favorite, though, is his reprint of the Hightower report on Iraq Oil Plunder Plan. Wish you could post that too.