August 23, 2007

In the Belly of the Green Bird; The triumph of the Martyrs in Iraq.

Nir Rosen provides the most credible, fair and balanced (sorry Fox, you've seemed to have blown it again!) report on the evolution of thought across the critical spectrum of players in Iraq. His middle-eastern looks, his fluency in Arabic, his respect of the culture, his persistent curiosity, and his unwaivering nerve gave him confidential audience to the major figures in the post-invasion Iraq. He details the Iraqi perspective of the American forces from greeted liberator to hated occupier as countless US strategic blunders and cultural disrespect allowed the insurgency to take control of what is now a failed state in the early stages of civil war. Most importantly Rosen digs out the fact, reports accurately from the field, and leaves the spin to Fox and the American Enterprise Institute. the war crazies like Kristol, Krauthammer and Kagan, also their biggest drum-beater-consultants. They would NEVER invite this guy because of his opposite point of view, and they would never admit that Iraq is a business move. Check out this video if you haven't seen it already. A must-have book for anyone seeking the truth on this sad period in American history. M. Briggs, NH

A must read you can buy at
Amazon at this page, where you can also read the 14 rave reviews

1 comment:

Jacques POIRIER said...

And why bother to even comment since this man has said it all with such authority that everything else written about Iraq seems like nauseous spin. I'm closing shop on the Iraq topic for good, Allah bless them all.