July 6, 2007

Who Has What Right To What Land????

Gee, it hard to tell who has the right to own what. Maybe we should just eliminate borders altogether and pay all our taxes through the Internet to someone who can redistribute with fairness, compassion and accuracy. I would trust Bill Gates for that and Warren Buffet to manage the quadrillions of dollars. Then I would ban all arms and ammunitions, passports, armies, generals, reassigning them as tax collectors and border demolition duties if they are physically inclined. The Supreme Court would be on the Internet and voting done there also, as well as water and oil redistribution on a quota basis. But I forgot something...oh yeah! universal health care and access to the Internet. That would create jobs. English the only official languages and Windows the only platform, with Google the only database, Wikepedia the only mandatory schoolbook...Boy that was good grass I was smoking!

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