October 11, 2007

The Dancer Rotation - Which Direction?

CounterClockwise indicates
uses logic
detail oriented
facts rule
words and language
present and past
math and science
can comprehend
order/pattern perception
knows object name
reality based
forms strategies
Clockwise indicates

uses feeling
"big picture" oriented
imagination rules
symbols and images
present and future
philosophy & religion
can "get it" ( i.e. meaning)
spatial perception
knows object function
fantasy based
presents possibilities
risk taking


Anonymous said...

D'abord gauche, puis droit, puis impossible de revenir à gauche pendant plusieurs minutes... Puis de plus en plus facile de faire "changer" le sens de la rotation à volonté. Je crois qu'il s'agit d'un excellent exercice de cerveau ! Merci Jim !

Jacques POIRIER said...

Bizarre! If you hide the feet by scrolling up, CCW dominates, whereas if you hide the head, CW seems to dominate. Multiple blinking with randomness helps change the rotation. Also eating oatmeal cookies seems to favor CW.

The13th said...

The only way I can seem to get it spinning in an opposing direction is by rotating my computer screen.

My creative side says that is a clever method. My logical side says spin the monitor and you are a dead man.

(LOL to the "eating cookies" comment, J.!)

Jacques POIRIER said...

It needs to be said that if you are a true 'lefty' , you need to reverse the results of your test.
For instance if you see a counterclockwise rotation of the dance, interpret is as 'clockwise".
It is known that lefties are creative and very much 'right brain dominant'. Most of their life
choices are adopted by less that 25% of non-lefties. Do the test over an over while open
and closing your eyes and establish average. To confirm your dominance, touch your thumb
and forefinger lightly together in both hands. Have a look and compare parallelism of their respective nail. The brain
on the OPPOSITE side of where you have the most parallelism is your dominant brain. The angle
formed between the nail of your thumb and the nail of your forefinger, in END view: 65 degrees vs 12 degrees shows
the second situation as more parallel. So if the side with 12 dgrees is left, your dominant brain activity is at your right...EXCEPT if you are a TRUE lefty (5% or less of population I think)

Jacques POIRIER said...

Me Again... a dit...

Some people NEVER see the opposite rotation. Nikki is one of them. She is so totally right brained it is funny. The most prolific artist I ever met, unbound energy and not a lot of heavy book knowledge (although she wrote several excellent novels).
She cannot remember a phone number or most names but can play the piano and classical guitar, paint, sculpt and invent 24/7. So she is fully functional as with some happy compensation for what would otherwise be a near handicap.

For those who can switch after
a certain start, the 'certain start' choice will dominate always, but they have a 'second thought' that 'saves them'. It seems that left brain dominance in the occident is the product of both the army, the industry and in general 'the system' that makes us go to school or the office and do logical things 9 to 5 each day. In the orient, the left brain prevalence is much less, more around 55% than our estimated 75%. Science is left brain by need, but art seems to predate science in most discoveries, the legendary intuition of right brainers that also inhabit some scientists, usually the messy ones that 'get there first'.

Now those who can switch easily are usually young and don't have much of a bias...yet! It is like being ambidextrous before having had to use a tool in either hand.

Those who switch with more difficulty are in general quite happy about their own lateral dominance and only go 'to the other side' when they force themselves out of need or something else, the desire to perform at all cost, plain stubborness.

Right brainers can be pretty dangerous people if not kept in check by the left brainers, but according to Henri Laborit, we NEED more of them because of our wester imbalance towards the left brain (read: too many army and industry captains!) .

I could go on all night but my left brain is telling me that I need to finish some work for the Institute.
By the way, I am sort of a freak on that score. In the sixties, a namesake and neurologist called Fernand Poirier was testing a new EEG tracer on me, a convenient neighbor. He found that I was a very dominant left brainer with my eyes closed, yet a very dominant right brainer with my eyes open. So he took this 25 pound stack of fan-fold EEG tracings to a Barcelona conference of neurologists and...no one could find any significance for my anomaly. I was expecting some kind of diploma or celebrity. Fernand died of liver cyrrhosis a few years later. So I can only see the CCW dancer with my eyes closed! Go figure!