October 5, 2007

Nikki's Art Exhibit Avant-Première

Nikki's pre-opening video is intended for our bloggers who are not Second Life member and, having no avatar, cannot attend the Grand Opening of her Art Exhibit. So we bought 3 bottles of champagne and three dozen sushis with the intention of giving you a quick go-around, in the case that you could not attend the REAL event.
My Gawd, that word REAL suddenly takes a strange color. Considering that Nikki's oldest paintings are over 20 yrs old, it is not difficult to see that she started her career pumping out those large canvases before kindergarten!. (The growling noise towards the very end of the sound track is the golden lab Chase getting bored for not having a ball to chase!)


The13th said...

The paintings look to be amazing. I love the pastels. I think the painting shown here is absolutely exquisite.

Good luck with the SL display. These pieces deserve an eternal exhibit. Has Nikki considered a web site (if one doesn't already exist)?

Film was fun and nice. Enjoyed the wine. I drank all the merlot, but brought in some cabernet.

Anonymous said...

you should present one or the other - being fair, just Nicolasa! and remove that skinny little thing walking around obstructing my view of Nikki's interesting paintings!

Jacques POIRIER said...

Nicolasa IS Nikki's personal avatar. They both weigh in at 113 lbs. The age difference is totally secret.

Anonymous said...

13th Who are you on Sl - Give me avatar name - we chat

The13th said...

Nikki - Thank you. I don't attend Second Life often, but it would be fun to meet and greet you there sometime!

My avatar's name is Jambo Hyun.
He has a cat named Knob.

So far, the cat is better at Second Life than I am.