October 9, 2007

Odd Trees, Sequoia And Car

This one for the13th who wonders about the association of the name Sequoia with a car brand, and for Marie who drives a Sequoia around Colorado Springs. Explanation within.


Marie said...

Oh I get it now...Sequoias are BIG and some people LIVE in them...like me. Thanks, Jacques!

The13th said...

Great photos! Reminds me of the environmental-architectural adaptations of Polish artist Jacek Yerka.

...but secretly I was expecting Julia Butterfly Hill...

(The 13th waves spastically at Marie.)

Jacques POIRIER said...

You young people are so impatient! You needed to wait till the very last slide but you never got there, as expected. There you would have seen a car penetrating a fallen sequoia, a profoundly significant icon of modern life, one that should resonate with every humanoids having an ounce of feeling for large plant life raped by vehicular traffic.

The13th said...

Ok, pointing at age difference is not going to help my eye strain. I reviewed the slides again. Saw every limb except the depiction of a car having rough sex with a tree. Is that the car in the tree tunnel or Commode Hollow?

My Ichabod Crane thinks there's a headless horseman in that forest.

Julia and Jacek both resonate similar themes. Sorry I missed the iconic photo. I did find Hansel and Gretel though!