December 16, 2007

America's Inspiring Grassroot Politics And The Feminine Face Through Centuries Of Paintings

To my Canadian friends and relatives: Aren't you all jealous of this incredibly healthy democracy next door? See this amazing one hour video from end to end to feel alive again. See and hear the new Jefferson and possibly the next president of the United States.
To my American friends and relatives: Several myths are busted in this video, a true eye opener for me. But mostly, what's in here would make me want to apply for citizenship to your great vibrant country. See it completely!
To all of us: Let's go see the the donation money piling up at the rate of nearly 1M$ an hour on this web site. The Tea Party is in full swing and the football games aren't even over yet!

After you viewed this video, you are being rewarded by this beautiful celebration of the feminine face by no less than 125 painters from antiquity to today. This is done on the notes of a sensual cello with a successful morphing from one painting to the next. Click here to get your reward. Now, if you have donated money, you are allowed to view the video as often as you like and even email it to your friends.


Camille said...

Jacques: I know you and Nikki believe in this man and if he is all you say he is, and he fulfills the dreams and aspirations of the many, many people who supported him in your blog, I'll definitely vote for him. That is, if he ever appears on any list of presidential candidates. I don't see his name anywhere. I want to know one thing about Ron Paul. How will he protect us from the very real threat of radical Islam? Tut, tut, no threat at all, says you and the far left. Economy, immigration, health care -- all important issues, but I'm more concerned about not being blasted out of my very comfortable pink bedroom.

Love you as always.

Jacques POIRIER said...

Camille, that'll never happen ;-) and you can safely stay in your pink bedroom, notwithstanding the recent Israel effort to kick up Iran warmongering on Fox. Watch the entire video. Nothing 'far left' about it. It's actually a lot closer to far right, back to the Republican roots of Taft, Goldwater and Reagan for that matter. Smaller central government and more local responsibility, thus more liberty and freedom. Once you 'get it', you never go back.Those people donating are from all walks of life, equally from the democratic rank as the republican side with many independants thrown in. Watch the video. His donation for today at 6PM is actually going to 16 million dollars from every corner of the US. This guy might just be your next president. You should listen to him, a real breath of fresh air.

Jacques POIRIER said...

I sometimes love to be wrong. Ron Paul raked in $18M without even asking for any money himself, just spontaneous small donations from 120,000 of people, including 35,000 first time donors.

The13th said...

Camille, recall the days (umm, a few months ago) when Mr. J was writing about a balanced political blog?

Ahh, such a sentimentalist I have become...