September 27, 2007

Beethoven's Rollover - An Identity Crisis

You might prefer this more definitive version I posted at YouTube:


Anonymous said...

So those piano lessons, when do we start them

The13th said...

Did you design this J.?

Lovely fun. I mix Beethoven quite often myself!

And I still wonder if the man was deaf or just cleverly evasive to follow his passions.


The13th said...

duh! the opening credits answer my prior question! damned fun design, J.

I'm too damned excitable for my own good!

Jacques POIRIER said...

OK RockOnForever S,K,A, 'Anonyminous', I recognize your line of thought. Check out my piano playing in this piece
, a recent composition Needless to say, people like yourself shake my confidence and playing hands, breaking up the tempo (Sorry Beethoven!). In the aforementioned composition I also play ALL the other instruments. Take that, put down artist!

Jacques POIRIER said...

I feel terrible as I sent THE WRONG MOVIE ...AND the wrong code to make this work on Internet Explorer. Gotta test stuff before it is dumped on the Net prior to bedtime. I'll post the right movie later today!

Anonymous said...

Roll over Beethoven, by the beatles around 1964, put that our your audio menu tonight.

The13th said...

Umm, not to get in on the mix-ups, but Roll Over Beethoven is not by the Beatles, but by Chuck Berry. White boys at the time, anxious to launch their careers (and in ways give credit/money to other great composers)jumped in on the scene and made rock and roll more "accessible" for all. Names like Willie Dixon, Chuck Berry, T-Bone Walker etc should always be remembered whenever discussing the roots of rock. I loved the Beatles, The Doors, and the Roll. Stones, for their own writes and the embellishments they added to these composers songs.

Now, as per critiquing the creativity here - well please do so. Just remember we're not professionals or we'd be charging you money. Otherwise, I'm mostly happy when anyone pays attention, which is a time-cost as it is.

We love ya, RockOn. You seem playful. Come out of the shadows and share thyself more!

I'll curb Jacques tongue and he'll deck me when needed. Or we can all bang about as more attend.

Also - while I'm at it - I really want to emphasize we'd love a gender balanced blog. Camille and co. - we need you!

The first flirt is on me!

Jacques - agreed - aren't net posts quite embarressing!?! I just switched (thanks to you) to Mozilla - and lo! - many portions of my website were not uni-browser compatible (i.e. off center).

From artist to nim-nook in one download. Love your musical flair - I know these are casual dubs (that still take effort). After we tour Japan we can take revenge on the Americas in ticket sales.

Or, wtf, let's just form a commune and retreat. I'll build de fence!

Quick everyone! Watch our unique blooper real. It's live!!!

Anonymous said...

Hi J. I've sent you an audio live with Jim Morrison, recorded bootleg, at the Quebec High School, circa 1970.
Please Jim, make that audio just a clik on your blog for us all
(an indicate to us where to clip)

Jacques POIRIER said...

Hé Marc! with pleasure. , here is the link converted to MP3 and amplified first.

The13th said...

Hot damn! Thanks "Choo choo tititiii" for the rare Doors!

In appreciation, here's some mojo for you from 13 Mixes!

"Drifting Azure" - a mix duet of Jimi Hendrix with Ella Fitzgerald.

"Pretty Up Thing" - a short voyage with a Bo Diddley subMarine.

Bon appetite!

Jacques POIRIER said...

Thanksy'all for the wordy comments but I gotta water the garden, create links, eat links, fix taxes and the front gate andsoforthadnauseam