September 9, 2007

"The Crystal Method- Roll It Up" .......A New Author On This BLog? .

This morning we asked '13Videos' to become an author on our blog, anxiously awaiting his answer. Without having secured his permission, we posted one of his videos here, to bait him in, so to speak! :-) We need variety and originality, and especially 'strength in numbers'. Check this artist out over in YouTube His short productions have thousands of viewers there, a lot more than any of our amateurish pieces. We need quality co-posters, don't you agree?


Anonymous said...

This is just great. Bring him on.

Anonymous said...

Hello everyone and thanks Jacques for the repost and kind words.

I just finished writing Jacques that I'm a notorious staller - and/or becoming frustrated with my computer!

But I'd love to blog a bit with everyone here, and already feel indebted simply for the invite!

Roll It Up has many messages to me, the most basic being that humans are repetitious - especially in the advent of new technology.

The animations of Muybridge (one of the originators of motion pictures) have very little variance to the avegage internet GIF, and I couldn't resist drawing the theme out. Perhaps it's a defense that older is wiser, or at least, that we've seen a lot of this before...

I could go on at length about what I think is good and bad about the internet. Instead I'll urge everyone who enjoys the current state of this threatened/evolving technology to consider Net Neutrality. Do look it up. Please do give it some consideration.

As for Jacques, we have barely met. That's partly because when I visit this blog I also get distracted following links posted by his friends and family.

Y'all seem like good eggs with a tolerance (if not love) for cracks.

That makes me smile. And want to wave at you from my own seas. Happy sailing, word captains and read-oars alike!

Like Roll It Up, I'll be around!


Marie said...

Yay! The 13th is in the house!

Anonymous said...

crystal meth...
all this is a word game around crysthal methefethadrine
or crystal mestadone,
or something like that,
a low cost popular drug easy available big cities in poor states.
Also the video illustrates clearly that this another drug trip.

Anonymous said...

To the comment that this is a "drug trip". No - I do not take drugs to make art or enjoy it, however Nitzche said that all art is intoxication, which I believe. With that understanding, Beethoven is a "drug trip" too. Also - per the band's name - search theories of attraction on Wikipedia. You will see that "The Crystal Method is a scientific term - one of many theories - defining how and why people come together. The band themselves named one of their mix albums Community Service, which IS what I believe music to be.

As for the dazzling eye candy that I interpretted - yes - much of life is sensual is surreal. I think the more that adults admit this - the less our youth feels need to rely upon drugs to see colors. The colors, like a Van Gogh painting, always were there!

Kiddie poos - including those afraid of drugs - if you want a REAL trip - either get a passport or study psychology. Both will enhance your life more than any pill or cheap thrill.

Anonymous said...

Do not take into account my comment above. I was drunk and/or under other influence, I don't remember, I did'nt even see the video, because of my two speed phone modem (very slow or stop). Enjoy lyrics written by Plume, who always write while drunk, drunk as some of you right now..or later. clik on bobépine. Marvellous J will provide the exact english translation, in a soon comment.

Jacques POIRIER said...

The last comment was from a crazy cousin of mine that is always on speed. Here is a picture of his speedboat as he requested me to post. href""

Jacques POIRIER said...

Sorry, here is the link to my troublesome cousin's speedboat And here is another one, as requested, to 'Plume', an anarchist signer from Quebec singing . Bobépine Don't get upset with his rantings 13th. He only requires attention, a pathology of his.

Anonymous said...

Fear not. Nothing about reviews, comments, or blogs for that matter, upsets me. I thought the comments were wicked fun! I've another demented video in the works, so I'll catch up with the links posted here soon.