October 8, 2007

Monday Morning Transport Chores


Marie said...

LOL. Hauling my 5 kids and 20 bags of groceries in a Toyota Sequoia doesn't seem like such hardship after all.

Jacques POIRIER said...

Just to tell you that you probably dropped a kid from the Sequoia. You have SIX kids according to your profile. Gotta close that rear hatch girl!

The13th said...

Old-fashioned guy that I am, I'm still stuttering about naming a car after a tree. Ad nauseum infinitum.

Jacques POIRIER said...

In an upcoming post you will understand the deeply Californian relationship between CAR and SEQUOIA

Anonymous said...

Who has the oil ?
Your map doesnt take into account the huge reserve in Alberta,Canada
about the same as middle east. but stoted in sand, oily sand, or "Les sables bitumineux."