October 7, 2007

Remember The Peace Dove? It's Been Replaced

We live in an era of aggressive showmanship. The video above presents the bird Snowball that dances and even bows wildly to applause. This behaviour is not suitable for other quiet white birds like the nowhere-to-be-found peace dove.Remember that there was a flurry of doves in the art world after the carnage of Guernica. This lithograph by Picasso was published in 1949 after a horrible war. We have not really suffered lately, so we get the shallow showoffs like Snowball. Nostalgic? Well...I'm not sure. After viewing that masterfull production by Ken Burns on PBS ('The War', every wednesday night at 10pm), I dont think I want a war and I would rather support the squeals and learn to dance with the wild birds.


The13th said...

This is the second comment to recommend Ken Burn's war documentary. I concur. It's a great work. Along similar lines, I found Studs Terkel's book "The Good War" equally poignant.

As for doves, I believe the last pair of birds was sold to build Nephelococcygia.

The13th said...

Jacques: Pls elaborate on "an era of aggressive showmanship".

The term "era" is broadly relative is it not? What is Homer's Odyssey? Was Tesla into showmanship? Not at first, but without it - we certainly would not be writing in this fashion.

For the modesty of the Nose: Beep-beep!!!

Jacques POIRIER said...

Aggressive showmanship examples: the FOX network animated graphics, the FOX network talking heads, the FOX network.
Dovish equivalents: PBS News

The13th said...

Personally, I agree, per the FOX and Hound. Yet these days I also wonder if the media hydration itself risks creating elaborate wormholes for tomorrow's Perseus...

then I sit down with Galileo's apple and watch some glorious PBS.