March 14, 2007

Lulu's Birthday by Peter Cotton Tail and his Gang of Pail Riders


The13th said...

Joyeux anniversaire Lulu!

Anyone who stokes the campfire deserves marshmellows and chocolates. Have a great day!

old enough to know said...

Ah mon frere, you warm the cockles (???) of my hearth avec ce poeme et cette chanson. Quel chaleureux blawg,, Lulu tu es la plus belle et la plus douce et tu est la colle qui tient la famille ensemble. a bientot

Camille said...

Happy birthday, Lulu. We've never met but I hope we will do so one day. Have a wonderful day!


Anonymous said...

what a great blagh jimmy.
just loved it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

First of all, happy birthday, Lulu! You know that 60 is the new 40 so you can look forward to menopause starting soon.

Second, Jacques, you are not allowed to speak in superlatives when you have more than one sister. Believe me, I know. I am the eldest of 4 girls and my sisters would kill my brothers if they said those very true things about me ;-)

Very sweet tribute to Lulu.

Anonymous said...

The secret has been broken !
Lulu is not the child of Albert and Geraldine, the true reality is that Yvette got pregnant in her early teens, the situation was cover up, Yvette had her baby , that baby was Lulu, she was raised as the child of Albert and Geraldine, who were in reality her grandparents.
Lulu thought that Yvette , Jacques, Michelle and Lise were her sisters and brother, but they are her aunts and uncle.
Also, Lulu was born on march 15