Showing posts with label humor. Show all posts
Showing posts with label humor. Show all posts

September 25, 2007

Ahmadinejad Speaks At The University Of Sherbrooke

This came a surprise to me, the fact that back in 83-84 Mahmoud Ahmadinejad had studied for his Masters Degree at l'Université de Sherbrooke, From this recent video one can notice that he speaks a credible French-Canadian 'slang', not mincing his words about the Holocaust ( he compares it to Halloween!) and about Bush (he uses a swear word). I know the bad sync is probably an interpreter talking, though I have no idea who made this clip. real or phony for that matter. Notice the generous applause he gets. If you watch carefully, he even gets an encouraging wink from the foxy mascot of the Green & Gold University Club where he was speaking. By the way , just like in Iran, there are no gays or nuclear weapons in Québec. But it's damn cold in winter!

September 24, 2007

Autumn Nostalgia

Nikki and our older dog Sesame, when both were 3 years younger and the weather was at least 30F colder at this time of the year. This was taken in the Adirondak Park's residence of my sister Yvette. Fall is a time when gentle cooler weather changes and rotates the tires of our minds. There is a stimulating newness, like a trip to Norway. We certainly miss that in Mexico. When a cooler breeze greeted me this morning and I rushed to the stove, it occured to me that in one hour the sun will be up and it'll be 75F. So I went back to my regular threadbare summer tires and put on a light shirt. Maybe I'll book a flight to Oslo. As for Nikki, she's online selling throws woven from photos of autumn leaves sent to us by clients. Sesame, sporting brand new cataracts, sniffs around fallen leaves (yeah!, palm tree leaves!).

September 23, 2007

The Shape Of Things Political To Come

Please vote on our new poll above. And please go to the extreme bottom of this blog to analyse "THE MAP", the one that explains everything military. I don't think Darfur is on that map.

September 20, 2007

Atheists Marrying Jehova's Witnesses

A new article in 'Newsweek' is out talking about what it's like
to be an atheist. I actually have an atheist friend who married a Jehovah's Witness. Their kids are a little strange. They go out and knock on doors but don't know why.

September 19, 2007

Software for a New Century - EgoTicklerWare

Still mining the 'charity' vein, we are introducing this morning a Christmas gift solution that is valid for most of us, bloggers, Second Lifers, YouTubers, Facebookers, MySpacers and Googlers. When installed it accomplish ALL of the following goals seamlessly while you are busy doing something else on your computer.
  • First EgoTicklerWare will ask you identify the TARGET, someone whose ego needs a little tickling, or a loved one in need of a boost, even yourself if you need it too. You enter the identity of that lucky person, his or her email address, avatar name, Facebook Wall, blog name etc...Add a few of that person's traits and vulnerabilities in the appropriate fields. DONT FORGET GENDER, AGE, CULTURAL ID !
  • 'EgoTicklerWare' was written by professionnal EgoTicklers, trained in subtlety, sneakiness and suave but subdued flattery.
  • The program picks at random from a database of 10,000 tested ID's. Using one of these, it then posts comments to the TARGET's blog (or email, Facebook Wall, SL messaging etc..). This is done at random for a pre-defined period of time. It is of course ajusted for time zones (i.e. 'LucianaBella' in Sao Paolo would write between 11PM and 5AM GMT).
  • Fully stealthy, it mimicks different writing styles and even introduces random misspellings and language crossovers. The cammouflage is so perfect it will fool you, the user!
  • It uses great opening lines from a database of 5,000 gems like: "Did you really write this!??! AWESOME! Do more please!"
  • Return mail from the TICKLED to the TICKLER is stored and scanned within the program, feeding results to a score card that then uses advanced AI for interpretation. It then propels a series of up to ten posted sequels, culminating in tested 'chokers' like "We need to stop these exchanges. My husband is getting jealous!"
  • The bonus pack includes 500 royalty-free photos of assorted pretty faces that cannot be identified . Just pick any that you think would fit the names proposed to you by EgoTicklerWare .
  • Just think! between now and Christmas Day, if you have DSL and stay connected all of the time, you could thrill a potential of 12,656 people 145,356 times (slightly less if your system has less than 3GHtz clock speed, or if you use an older Mac).
  • Buy EgoTicklerWare 1.01 now and get tickling! Just think! by promoting self-love, aren't you just opening the way for an Immense Wave of True Love!
We are actively recruiting tickle writers for our EgoTicklerWare V1.02
If you have such talent and would like to join the TickleTeam, please post a comment below containing a sample of a 'tickle' you would write. We will respond quickly if you have 'the right stuff', which I am sure you do

September 17, 2007

No More Politics For Awhile - Charity Is Our New Buzzword!

Politics gets old after awhile. Charity is more soul-satisfying, don't you agree? As a starter, how about a collection to buy panties for these stars? We need some serious $$$ since the '99c Store' variety won't cut it with these fine women. Very thin is the keyword, with no rough edges or coarse elastic bands. We accept suggestions for sourcing out this lingery.

September 16, 2007

Greenspan...did you watch 60-minutes tonight?

OK... so a while after he is out of his Fed Reserve job, Greespan spills the beans on the Bush administration's wastefull and dangerous ways, saying out loud what we all knew to be true: OIL WAS THE BASIC OUTSPOKEN REASON to go to war, as expressed within the walls of the White House. We all knew that ( see this earlier blog)
. So... NOW, six years later he's talking. The SPAN of the GREEN could have hinted before to the incompetence of that President. But he chose to do it just before the release of his BOOK, propelling it to millions more in profit. And we pay over $3 at the pump!
Same with Colin Powell. In a recent interview by none other than GQ (Gentlemen's Quaterly, a fashion magazine), he hints that he regrets having taken up the distortions leading to war in Iraq, presenting then to the UN Security Council with a straight face. This confession comes way too late, six years too late. Does he have a book too? Oh yes...I think he does. Those public servants sure know who to serve first, don't they? Makes you want to live in Switzerland where all public servants are chosen for their competence and there is no elections based on megamillions of influence peddling by lobbies. But then Switzerland does not go to war. Ah shucks...! There is always something wrong with these other countries! Humvees vs cuckoo clocks. I'll take the Humvee Wall-Mart, where just maybe I'll buy a cuckoo clock for good measure.

September 9, 2007

Arresting Pictures On A Boring Tune

My latest composition for nylon string guitar, flute, Stratocaster lead guitar, congas, bass and drums did not turn out that well, but then when you know there's a naked breast lurking towards the end of this movie, you might just sit through it. Hahahaha! And Buona Notte Luciano! We'll put in some lyrics one day. Any volunteers out there with such skills?

September 6, 2007

The Hate Between The Shiites and The Sunnis

Oh the mistrust, the hate
and the dangers! Our three dogs, Sesame, Sheila and Amélie (the 'Shiites' in our little comparison...) watch with baited breath a pair of Sunnis across the street, elegant and street smart. They feel that these two cats ought to be fenced in or put on a leash. The mischiefs of these bums showing off on roofs and fence tops... And the way they taunt us from behind our American green zone screen daddy bought at Home Depot.
But we have oil and they don't, so screw the bastards and let them eat fish. We have steak and potatoes and spaghetti, stuff they can't handle with their fussy ways and superior attitude. Down with Sunnis and may the fleas of one thousand camels bite them in places where they cannot scratch.

September 5, 2007

How to Get Rid of Annoying Persons.

If you are sitting next to a loudmouth, a jerk or just an irritating person ----- on a plane, train or in a coffee shop-----follow these instructions:
  1. Say nothing, but quietly and calmly open your laptop case.
  2. Remove your laptop.
  3. Start it.
  4. Make sure the annoying person sees the screen. (Aim it just enough for them to see)
  5. Close your eyes and tilt your head toward the sky (or ceiling) and very softly mumble something unintelligle.
  6. Then click on this link: Allah Akhbar
They won't bother to say good-bye.

Hot Use For An Old Beloved PC

This one had a glorious recent history As it's unsuccessful 'older" repairman, it is my pleasure to send you to this other video blog.

September 4, 2007

Our Favorite Squirrel Now On TV Worldwide

To popular demand, we are now broadcasting our squirrel "McCorn" and his tango steps on our blog. Credits for the music to Ensemble de Tango de Montréal, with special thanks to Anne-Marie, its cute and smart pianist, for that number.

Ahhhh Geeeeez!@#%$

No one including myself noticed that this globe to the left rotates in the wrong direction. Now I'll wake up three hours ahead of the East Coast, a shame! Lets put back the old globe soon.

IRAN OR BUST - Viagra Promises a Boost to the Neocons's Will to Start Another War

Sorry, but I had to re-issue that movie I put together last spring. Please vote to the left on WHEN this will happen. Prize: An almost new bottle of Viagra.

August 30, 2007

Another shoe Story

This time they are platform shoes and the young lady is a model in Paris watering the runway with a garden watering can.

August 29, 2007

Dragnet fans, it's BACK with a vengeance!

When you think that this awful and powerful US Senator has been vilifying gays and preaching 'family valuesf' for years, also voting to impeach Clinton, against gay marriage etc..etc...You cannot find a happier ending. Keith Olbermann, a great new movie director!

The fatter your head...

...the more of a chance you will have to greet some droppings from time to time. On the other hand, visiting birds will gently tickle your scalp and the singing will cheer you up. It's true that having a tiny head can get you hired at Fox News. The choice is yours.
Having large feet is quite dangerous though, especially if you let them project out of the men's room stall. Poor Senator Craig, who both has a large head and large feet!

August 28, 2007

The Mortgage Crisis...a solution in 4 easy steps.

You buy something in Mexico for $75K, cash, move in, water the plants and make it nice inside.
Then You build an addition yourself for something like $3,534. and invite your friends and family. You now have what people around here think is a $125K value.
You DONT borrow on the equity to buy a Porsche.
You give a wax job to your 1976 Windstar and drive it with glee to the Mercado where you buy 5-6 piernas de pollo and 3 fresh onions..

You dont complain about da banks, da system, da economy, da goberment, da cost of living, but you eat your chicken cacciatore with a good wine.

It's Fish Day For Us Catholics

Funny Pictures
Do your catholic thing, like this fine parishioner, eat a fish on Friday. It's a sin to do otherwise, even though you may be running out of clean utensils or even cooking fuel. On the other hand this poor fella should consult with Father Carlin