Showing posts with label music. Show all posts
Showing posts with label music. Show all posts

September 26, 2007

The Santa Ana Winds Blow Long, Hot and Dry

(IMPORTANT: The sound level button is at the lower left of the above Quicktime Player)
This wind can blow non stop for three days, killing kill any plant that is not native. Standing outside 5 minutes after a shower will blow dry your hair and blind you with desert dust. Yet autumn in Baja is wonderful between these episodes. YOU ARE ALL INVITED one or two at a time! This will make you appreciate the native plants, the low-water need variety like those grown by Molly.

September 9, 2007

Arresting Pictures On A Boring Tune

My latest composition for nylon string guitar, flute, Stratocaster lead guitar, congas, bass and drums did not turn out that well, but then when you know there's a naked breast lurking towards the end of this movie, you might just sit through it. Hahahaha! And Buona Notte Luciano! We'll put in some lyrics one day. Any volunteers out there with such skills?

"The Crystal Method- Roll It Up" .......A New Author On This BLog? .

This morning we asked '13Videos' to become an author on our blog, anxiously awaiting his answer. Without having secured his permission, we posted one of his videos here, to bait him in, so to speak! :-) We need variety and originality, and especially 'strength in numbers'. Check this artist out over in YouTube His short productions have thousands of viewers there, a lot more than any of our amateurish pieces. We need quality co-posters, don't you agree?

September 6, 2007

The Same Song Shortly After it was Created.

Notice that this time Neil Young hits all these poignant high notes. Getting old is definitively a 'sinking' process. But the hair gets lighter. Hear him sing it 35 years later

September 2, 2007

One of the better ways two pairs of lips can connect.

Maurice André and Dizzy Gillespie play "Orpheo Negro" as a duet with muted trumpets. Happy Labor Day.

August 21, 2007

Tico Tico Grande

Voici que la Malaisie a une petite malaise pas mal à l'aise du tout au piano. Allah est grand!

August 19, 2007

Monsieur Strideur's French 101

About time we input something French in that little guy, don't you agree? The kid will one day turn out to be multilingual, open to a diplomatic career like Guy Beaudry, the father of his grand'aunt Nicole. Also, didn't his mother Mia study at the United Nation School near their Waterside Plaza home (NYC)?

Marc-André Hamelin, super-virtuoso

Someone please tell me how this is possible. Especially after the 10th minute of playing. The camera can't even cope with the speed.

August 18, 2007

Happy Birthday Bash for Jordan

Hé Jordan, bonne fête sacré garnement
Puisses tu encore avoir 80 printemps
Comme tu verras matante Nicole et moi
On a fêté ta fête avec beaucoup d'émoi
Next time little buddy, I will be on time
I had your birthday date tattooed on my arm

August 17, 2007

My favorite animals

Try this: First, drink 2 martinis or 4 beers, close all the lights and close the door and windows. Then sing this Karaoke at the top of your lungs. Do it three times, each time focusing on a different part of the video. Do it one more time with your eyes closed, from memory. Then go to sleep and wake up totally refreshed. If that doesnt work for you, then you can always go here

La Mome Piaf

Who wants to open the TV set and hear a string of absurd commercials touting drugs when you can go to and view a string of the world's greatest artists while reading the adoring comments of other viewers in 10 different languages, making the planet a wonderful stage filled with love. I spent the evening watching 15 or more videos of songs that are eternal, counting over 20 million viewers who had vibrated there and dropped shy comments like "thank you for posting this!" "Edith, je t'adore", "Bellissimo!" Thankyou Google for buying YouTube and giving it more bandwidth, thankyou YouTube for posting Lightning49 (that's a woman who printed English subtitles on about 50 French songs by Brel, Brassens, Piaf and others). And thankyou Lightning49 for sharing your love with millions of people who can understand English but not French...And thankyou Brel, Brassens, Piaf for being immortal, still capable of moving people the world over long time after your passing. For those of you who would like to spend an evening like mine, just go here

August 14, 2007


Je viens de visionner "The St Lawrence Seaway" sur le canal HISTORY dans le c^dre de la série GREAT MARVELS OF OUR TIMES. Quel projet, driller dans la moraine et la pierre plus dûre que le béton, en hiver quand il a fait -58F a Cornwall en 1959 et que toutes les pelles et les camions cassaient au froid en voulant être à temps pour retirer 127 millions de verges cubes, creusant 70 milles de canaux. Les images se bousculent encore dans ma tête, le pont Jacques Cartier soulevé de 6 pouces tous les jours par quatre vérins pneumatiques et sans interrompre le traffic.etc...Plus cool que ça, y'a rien, sauf peut-être ce Miles Davis Coltrane fait précisement en 1958. On se ferme les yeux et on regarde les notes et l'eau couler dans les écluses. Quelle époque!!! J'y retournerais si je le pouvais!

August 11, 2007

Summertime, profitez-en!

Dans 4 mois tout sera blanc blanc blanc frette!
( Excusez moi...ça c'est vraiment pas gentil!)


The last days of Bix and the one week he actually played with his idol Louis Armstrong in Chicago, behind locked doors at 3AM. Our father Albert was at that time playing trumpet and clarinet not too far from there, an Engineering student at Tri-State college. Alcoholism took him too. Hope they play together, all three of them, the same way they actually play in my mind. Oh what fun!

Satchmo 1942

This time it's Louis Armstrong "swinging on nothing" the year I was made inside my mother. Atavistique, cette musique, car je crois connaître cet air sans jamais l'avoir appris. Et puis la grosse danseuse est à l'image de toutes les grosses filles qui m'ont couru après plus tard, Francoise Arbour, Helene Poirier, Judy Lacroix, Jesse Amyot...Cant escape a destiny's synchronicity, I guess.

De terminer ma vie avec la svelte Nicole de 113 livres (nue) n'est que justice poétique.

Satchmo 1959

Basin Street Blues...Un des premiers blues que j'ai appris à jouer sur ma trompette neuve. Maintenant je sais pourquoi. car l'année était bien 1959, celle de ce film d'un concert Europeen. Mon père avait une Pontiac Laurentien bleu que j'ai démolie en coursant avec Dino Sabourin sur la rue Savage, frappant un vieux qui ne portait pas son appareil auditif au volant de son auto qui reculait d'une entrée. Tabarnac j'avais seize ans et un permis de conduire tout frais. Y'a dû me hair, mon père, ce jour là à Granby. Satchmo, ton blues a le bleu de la Pontiac décédée et on est tous un peu triste ce jour là, roulant des yeux inquiets. Si tu croises Albert par là-bas, invite le à prendre une bière. Ou mieux, tiens!, partage un joint avec lui. Ça lui fera du bien, lui et son ulcère. Take care, man...and see you soon!

July 2, 2007

Archangel Raphael

My hero when I was fourteen. Later he became the reason why I quit playing the trumpet.